Volunteer Weed Pull in Wilton!
Wednesday, September 4, 9-11AM, Allen’s Meadow, Danbury Road, Wilton
Join us to help remove invasive mugwort shoots from the new pollinator meadow at Allens! Wonderful bee, butterfly and bird watching with friends guaranteed.
To Register, email joebear.gator@gmail.com
Join Our Fall Birding Walks at Allen’s Meadow, Danbury Road, Wilton
Tuesday Sept 17; Monday Sept 30; Tuesday October 15; Saturday Oct 26
8-10AM Drizzle or Shine
Bring your binoculars! Meet on the west side of the playing fields. Park in front of the Field 6 sign. Registration required. Participation is limited to 12 per date. Questions? Email Joe at joebear.gator@gmail.com
This fall, join expert birder, conservationist, and Wilton resident Joe Bear in search of birds making a stopover at Allen’s Meadow in Wilton on their way south to their winter homes. We’ll check out the bluestem meadow, woodland, edges, pond, and the community gardens. Fall sightings in recent years have included bobolinks, dickcissels, numerous warbler species, a variety of flycatchers, a wide range of sparrows, bald eagles, and other raptors. And who knows what unexpected migrant might put in an appearance!
Wednesdays & Saturdays 9:30-11:30AM. Restoring the Gardens & Riverbank at Oyster Shell Park. Volunteers Needed for safe, outdoor, socially distanced, masked habitat restoration work for birds and pollinators! Join us along the Pollinator Pathway and the Norwalk River Valley Trail in Norwalk to help restore the riverbank and the gardens at Oyster Shell Park. Learn how to identify invasive plants and also the beautiful natives that support our native pollinators. Bring gloves, clippers, and a spade or shovel if possible. Meet at the playground on North Water Street near the intersection with Anne Street, between the Aquarium and the new mall. Make sure to register so we can notify you in case of cancellations. To register email Nancy at theperennialgardener@gmail.com.
Volunteers Needed for Meadow Restoration Project at Mckeon Farm in Ridgefield
The Ridgefield Pollinator Pathway is working on a 3-year meadow restoration project at town-owned McKeon Farm. Contact us at info@pollinator-pathway.org to join!
NRWA programs highlight the importance and features of the river and its watershed and ways people collectively and individually can improve the region. Programs are free, unless specified, but space may be limited; reservations are suggested. Call the leader listed or NRWA toll free at 877-NRWA-INFO (877-679-2463) for information, directions, and reservations. Hikers should always wear hiking shoes and bring water.