River Clean-Ups
Norwalk River Watershed AssociationIf it falls on the ground it goes into the Sound.
Every year NRWA hosts several river and shoreline cleanups. For a full listing, see our events page.
Don’t miss joining us for International Coastal Cleanup Day (ICC) every September. For over 25 years, the Ocean Conservancy has organized the ICC to provide a global snapshot of marine debris collected and recorded at more than 6,000 sites all over the world on a single day. This is the world’s largest volunteer effort for the ocean and waterways, and you can be part of it through NRWA and Save the Sound.
The Ocean Conservancy publishes the data collected to help push for global policy reforms that protect our oceans. For more information on ICC and on how trash improperly discarded travels long distances in the water, becoming one of our greatest global polution problems, click here.
Last year on International Coastal Cleanup Day there were 44 cleanup events in CT involving 1554 volunteers who picked up 8,756 pounds of trash along 69 miles of waterfront!

Volunteers sign in with NRWA to help out on International Coastal Cleanup day in Norwalk. After collecting over 80 bags of trash, these volunteers sorted and weighed it for the Ocean Conservancy’s records. They pulled over 700 plastic bottles from the shoreline near the Maritime Aquarium.

Volunteers clean up the banks of the Norwalk River at Oyster Shell Park in Norwalk on International Coastal Cleanup Day 2014.